4 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

October 1, 2017

There are a lot of people who wish that their teeth were whiter. There are also a lot of expensive products on the market that you can buy that will help whiten your teeth. But did you know that there are things that you can do yourself to help whiten your teeth, using things that are already in your house? Below are some of the things that you can do to help your teeth look whiter.

1. Oil Pulling

This traditional remedy has been used by Indians for many years, to remove toxins and improve their oral hygiene. It involves swishing some oil in the mouth so that bacteria is removed, since bacteria turns into plaque which can make teeth appear yellow.
Traditionally, sesame or sunflower oil was used, but any type of oil is going to work. One of the most popular choices is coconut oil since it tastes good and has a lot of other health benefits. It also has a lot of lauric acid in it, which can help with killing bacteria and reducing inflammation.
There are studies which have shown that if you do oil pulling daily, it can help with reducing bacteria, gingivitis and plaque in your mouth.
One of the main kinds of bacteria that’s in your mouth that can cause gingivitis and plaque. One of the studies done has shown that swishing sesame oil in your mouth will greatly reduce the amount of this bacteria in your mouth in as quickly as a week.
There aren’t any studies which prove that this will whiten your teeth, although it’s safe to do and worth trying. A lot of people say that their teeth are brighter and whiter after they’ve done it.
To do this, put one tablespoon of your favorite type of oil into your mouth and push and pull it through and over your teeth. If you’re using coconut oil, it’s going to be solid when it’s room temperature, so it might take a few seconds before it’s melted. Do this for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
Once you are done, spit the oil into a trash can, since it’ll be solid after it’s gotten into your pipes and it might cause your pipes to clog.
Unlike a lot of other methods for tooth whitening, it’s not going to expose the teeth to ingredients like acid which can erode your enamel.

2. Brush Using Baking Soda

This will have natural properties for whitening, and that is why a lot of people buy toothpaste that has baking soda in it. It’s mildly abrasive and it can scrub away any stains on the surface of your teeth.
Baking soda will also create an environment that is in your mouth that is alkaline, and this can prevent the growth of bacteria. This isn’t going to make your teeth white overnight, but as time passes chances are that you will notice you’re your teeth are looking better.
There’s no proof that this is using just baking soda is going to make your teeth whiter, but there are studies that using baking soda infused toothpaste will help your teeth look whiter,
There’s a study that has found that the toothpaste that have baking soda in it are a lot better at removing the yellow stains that were on teeth than the other toothpastes that didn’t have them. When there is a lot of baking soda in the toothpaste, you’re going to see a bigger result.
For this remedy, mix one teaspoon baking soda and two teaspoons of water to create a paste, and then use the paste to brush. This can be done several times during the week.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

A lot of people know that hydrogen peroxide is great for making whites whiter, and but it also can make your teeth whiter too.
It also is great for killing bacteria. A lot of people use it for disinfecting wounds and a lot of the whitening products that are on the market have it as one of their ingredients, although it’s a lot more than you’re going to use.
There aren’t any studies which show how brushing or rinsing using hydrogen peroxide is going to affect you, but there are studies on how the toothpastes that contain it affect teeth. A study found that a toothpaste that contained 1% of the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda made the user’s teeth a lot whiter. There was another study that discovered that when someone used a toothpaste with both ingredients two times per day had teeth that were 62% whiter in just six weeks.
Even though when the concentration is heavily diluted seems to be safe, overuse or strong concentration can lead to tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. Some also have concern that it could cause cancer, however those concerns are unproven.
One of the ways you can use it is using it to wash out your mouth before brushing. The solution should be 1.5% to 3% so that you’re avoiding side effects. Usually you’ll find a concentration of 3% at the store, so you can dilute it with water to bring it down to 1.5%.
You can also use it by making a paste of it and baking soda. Combine two teaspoons of the hydrogen peroxide and one teaspoon baking soda, then brush gently with it.
You should only use it three times a week since it may erode the enamel of your teeth.

4. Use Vegetables and Fruits

It’s been proven that when you eat a lot of vegetables and fruits it can be good for your teeth along with your body. Even though you should still brush, eating raw, crunchy vegetables and fruits can help with rubbing away plaque while you’re chewing. Pineapple and strawberries are two of the fruits that claim they can help with whitening your teeth.
There are some who claim that pineapple helps with whitening teeth. The reason is that there’s a study that shows that toothpaste which claims bromelain, which is also found in pineapple, helps with significantly removing stains on teeth, when compared with the standard toothpastes. But there isn’t evidence that this is true for pineapple.
Using a baking soda and strawberry mixture is something that a lot of celebrities have said that they used it. They say malic acid, found in a strawberry, helps with removing stains from your teeth and baking soda also is going to buff away the stains. But this isn’t backed by science. Even though strawberries can help with exfoliating teeth and making them look whiter, chances are that they won’t penetrate those stains.
However, this remedy has not been completely backed up by science. If you want to try it, mash up fresh strawberries and mix it with some baking soda, then use it for brushing. But only do it three times at most per week.
These are just some of the things that you can do to help your teeth look whiter. Remember, when you want your teeth to look better, make sure that you are also flossing and brushing regularly because that will help your teeth the most. It will also help them to be healthy and strong, and help you avoid problems down the road. No matter what you do, brushing and flossing is the most important thing you can do for your teeth, as well as seeing your dentist twice a year.

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