5 Reasons to Floss Your Teeth Every Day

May 23, 2017

A lot of people know that brushing and flossing is important to oral health. But they think that brushing is enough and flossing is just an annoyance. The truth is that flossing is just as important as brushing and there are many benefits to flossing every day. Below are six good reasons to floss your teeth every day.

1. You Could Lose Your Teeth

Adults who are 20-64 years old lose about seven teeth on average, and 10% of the people in America ages 50-64 don’t have any teeth left. Both gum disease and cavities can result in the loss of your teeth.

2. Your Breath Could Stink

Mints and gum won’t cure the true reason of bad breath, which could be gum disease. This means that your gums may become loosened, and bacteria and debris could get wedged in between your gums and teeth. This can mean that your gums are harboring decomposing food particles.

3. Complications with Pregnancy

You don’t want to cause problems to your baby. Talk to your doctor about taking calcium supplements if you are pregnant and you believe you might have a calcium deficiency. You also might have serious problems with your teeth while you’re pregnant and your baby also might have problems. When you don’t take care of yourself during pregnancy, your baby’s weight might be low and premature, even though there isn’t a lot of evidence to back this up. It’s also suspected that there are two mechanisms at play; there is a heightened overall inflammation, or oral bacteria’s entering the bloodstream and colonizing the placenta and causing inflammation.

4. Easier Dental Visits

You are going to have a happier dentist, and you will have a reduced risk of needing things like root canals. The next time you’re thinking of skipping flossing, remember how much you hate the dentist.

5. You will be Healthier

When your mouth and your teeth are healthier, you are going to be healthier overall. When your teeth and mouth aren’t healthy, you have a greater risk of heart attack, stroke, and a lot of other health problems. So you want to take care of your teeth, and that means you will be taking care of your health at the same time.
As you can see, flossing just makes sense. There are plenty of good reasons why you should floss and you’ll find that the time that you take to floss each day will be worth it in the long run. You’ll feel healthier, your breath will smell better, and your teeth will look better.
Contact us today to learn more, or schedule a consultation online.